By the end of this workshop, you will be excited when you hear the words “but I need to lose weight” from a client.
because you’ll know exactly what to do.
We are reinventing how we meet our women clients in their desire to lose weight
Women deserve to have their desire to lose weight met with compassion.
Women are worthy of feeling safe to explore options.
Coaching The Desire to Lose Weight – is a training that will teach you how to coach your clients safely in navigating their desire to lose weight.

It’s ok to want to lose weight.
In fact, it’s normal for women to want to lose weight.
Shaming women for wanting to lose weight is wrong.
Feeling frustrated with women showing up in your consultation and saying,
“ …but I need to lose weight,”
is simply a sign for you, my dear colleague, that there is a gap in your training.
And that’s ok for you as a professional to be frustrated too.
It’s normal that you are ill-prepared to coach women through their desire to lose weight without offering a diet.
When I was creating the Non-Diet Coaching Certification, I researched any competitor teaching health coaching techniques from the lens of weight neutral health & intersectionality and couldn’t find ANY… 4 years later, it is still true.
Is this you?
➡️ You secretly feel a rush of anger when you hear “ … but I just need to lose weight” in a client session
➡️ You “mumble” your way through your answer to your client concern “but I felt so much more confident when I was thinner.”
➡️ You don’t feel confident coaching your clients in their fear of gaining weight.
➡️ You want to know how to best coach your clients when they are, in fact, gaining weight, and they say, “I need to go back on a diet.”
➡️ You wish you could show up to coaching sessions knowing you can handle any of your clients’ doubts about the non-diet approach.
And more important, you want to do better.
We are going to change that!
The next step for you is to register for this training – Coaching The Desire to lose Weight. By the end of the training your will:
✅ Understand why clients get “stuck” in thinking weight loss is the solution so you can find the best coaching approach for them
✅ Gain an in-depth understanding of social conditioning so you can help women move beyond the desire to lose weight
✅ Learn how to coach women on sensitive topics like the desire to lose weight so you can model compassion and provide a safe coaching environment.
✅ Learn a 3-step coaching framework to meet women in their desire to lose weight without gaslighting.
✅ Receive my body image healing roadmap so you can stay ahead of your client’s needs and have a very strategic process to coach them.
This is the same training I teach inside the Non-Diet Coaching Certification.
AND It comes with a 2.5-hour masterclass with me, Stephanie
PLUS my 25-page workbook
Do you think this can help you help your clients?
PS: If you end joining the next round of the Non-Diet Coaching Certification will refund the cost of this training!

When: On Demand
As soon as your purchase is confirmed, you will receive instructions on how to access the video recording of the Masterclass & the workbook within 15 minutes.
Coaching The Desire To Lose Weight Workshop is a pre-recorded training.
You will receive instructions on how to access the video recording of the training.
This training is for everyone.
For personal interest or professional interest.
When: On Demand
As soon as your purchase is confirmed, you will receive instructions on how to access the video recording of the Masterclass & the workbook within 15 minutes.
Coaching The Desire To Lose Weight Workshop is a pre-recorded training.
You will receive instructions on how to access the video recording of the training.
This training is for everyone.
For personal interest or professional interest.
What You Will Learn:
Understand why client get “stuck” in thinking weight loss is the solution.
Learn why the problem was never women’s body or their weight and why continuing to coach from this perspective is causing harm for women.
Gain in-depth understanding of social conditioning and weight stigma surrounding women’s body and weight.
Learn how to coach women on sensitive topic like the desire to lose weight with compassion and safety.
Learn a three steps groundbreaking coaching process to meet women in their desire to lose weight
Using cognitive behavioural coaching will will break down a three steps process to coach women to make a quality decision about their desire to lose weight.
Learn how to detect if your own internalized fatphobia is triggered by your client desire to lose weight and how to meet yourself as the leader.
Discover the Body Image Roadmap and the various stages of body image healing
Rebuilding a new relationship to our bodies comes in stages and our coaching must adapt to each stages.
Stephanie will teach the Body Image Roadmap and explain what coaching is required in order to move your client to the next stage.
Stephanie will also share the 5 steps to coach women into body neutrality and create a powerful relationship to their body.

“I had no idea how life changing this experience would be!”
“I’m so happy I said YES. My knowledge and confidence has grown so much“
“Stephanie helped me see what I couldn’t see. I haven’t felt aligned in my work in such a long time.”
Meet Your Instructor

Stephanie Dodier is a Non-Diet Nutritionist CNP, Cognitive Behavioral Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She is host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️. She founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform and the Non-Diet Coaching Certification
She founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform and the Non-Diet Coaching Certification.
Stephanie is on a mission to help free over 1 million women from diet culture. That’s when you come in. The way we teach health & nutrition needs to change. This program is her way to empower other practitioners like you to make the change and impact 1 million women together inside the non-diet coaching certification!

(If you can’t afford the registration fee, financial assistance is available. Email us at [email protected]. Note that if you can afford the registration fee when you register you are supporting other people and making it possible for them to get access).

When and where will training take place?
Within 15 minutes of registering to Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The weight & body acceptance roadmap, you’ll receive an email with a confirmation of registration and instructions to access the training and workbook.
Who is this training for?
Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The Weight & Body Acceptance Roadmap, is for everyone. For personal interest or professional interest.
If you are in a position of influence, lead or coach self-identified women on topics of confidence, food, health or body image this is 100% for you!
How long is the training sessions?
Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The Weight & Body Acceptance Roadmap masterclass with Stephanie is 2 + hr long.
I still struggle with my own relationship to my body, not sure I'm ready?
This is perfect for you. Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The Weight & Body Acceptance Roadmap training is what you need.
What is included in the training?
Included inside Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The Weight & Body Acceptance Roadmap
✔ 1X 120 minutes masterclass with Stephanie
✔ Digital workbook to support your learning and continue the work after the event
✔ Lifetime access to masterclass recording & workbook.
Is there a refund policy?
If you are not entirely satisfied with the Coaching Desire To Lose Weight Workshop – The Weight & Body Acceptance Roadmap training provided by Stephanie, email us at [email protected] and we will refund you.
What if I have a question?
Just email us at [email protected] and one of our team members will reply quickly with an answer to your question.