Here’s what you might not know


New year Resolution aren’t the problem

It’s how we think and pursue our resolution that is problematic.

We’ve been socialized by diet culture to think of making resolution and new year goal as a process of salvation for “being bad”.


That’s the problem

Setting a goal is not a process to “fix yourself and all your sins”. Setting goal is a journey to become a different version of yourself, to discover who you are and who you want to become and to learn to believe in yourself and your possibilities.



It’s not because you’ve failed at sticking to your past resolutions that you will again this year.

It’s truly not as hard as you think.

It’s as simple as setting a goal, cleaning it from any attachment to your self-worth and courting it

That’s right; you have to date your goal.

Then, all you have to do is to love yourself to your goal.




resolution reset cover Stephanie


I walk you through every single step inside the resolution Reset Masterclass.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know and everything you don’t need to do.

So never get stuck again in all-or-nothing thinking, perfectionist fantasy and procrastination loop.

Simple isn’t spending days creating an action plan, adding more things to your already lengthy list, or getting more productive with your time blocking.


Simple isn’t avoiding setting any goal either, ruminating or loathing yourself in the hope that it will get you to take action.

In fact, you don’t have to set any resolution.

You are enough as you are right now

You don’t need to fix yourself, do more or be more, as diet culture, patriarchy, and hustle culture have conditioned us to believe.

I’m not telling you you have to set a goal or make a resolution for next year if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. But I want you to be able to choose.

I don’t want you not to set goals for yourself because you think you can’t achieve, or that it’s going to set you back.

I want you to be able to decide. To be honest with yourself and choose to set a goal for yourself or not.

And if you choose to set a resolution and new goal, I want you to do it in a way that makes you feel great immediately. Unconditionally because you are enough as you are right now

I will help you revolutionize how to make and keep resolutions (and really any goal).

Stephanie Bio Undiet your Life

I’ve helped HUNDREDS of women stick to their resolution and achieve their goals.


I’ve found the SIMPLEST way to do it.


And I’m going to teach it to you inside the Resolution Reset.

In the Resolution Reset Masterclass, we “detox” diet culture goal-setting process.

  • Set Goal Better
  • Follow Through Better
  • Create New Habits Better
  • Achieving with Ease


We liberate the goal-setting process so it’s easy, sustainable and, most important, enjoyable.


And then 


We learn how to create new habits that will fuel your goal in sustainable and permanent way.

I’ll coach you to unravel the f*cked up way we have been socialized to pursue goals and learn a new way to think, feel and take action toward your success.


By the end of the Resolution Reset Masterclass:

  • Feel confident doing less and achieving more
  • Feel good enough while pursuing your goal
  • Become more productive with your time
  • Learn how to create new sustainable habits permanently.
  • Know exactly how to approach ANY goal for the rest of your life.
  • Make and keep your resolution. Period.

The Details

Stephanie Dodier Coaching Resolution Reset


When you sign up for Resolution Reset, you'll receive immediate access to the complete Liberated Goal Method. Three short guided audios and a workbook. No waiting; you start immediately, setting your goal and taking action. In about 30 minutes, you have your goal set and the path to move toward success.

The Resolution Reset Masterclass is part of The Undiet Your Life Coaching Program. When you join Undiet Your Life for 2024 you get free and lifetime access to the Resolution Reset.




As soon as you registered to Undiet Your Life Coaching Program you get access to the Resolution Reset Masterclass: 3 guided audio & digital workbook.


100% virtual and pre-recorded: the resolution reset guided audios, workbook and recordings. For the masterclass, the event will be both audio and video and you can be as visible (or as invisible) as you like - you make the rules.


This Resolution Reset Masterclass is for all self-identified women who are registered to Undiet Your Life Coaching Program.

How to join 

Resolution Reset

Join Undiet Your Life Coaching Program 

The Resolution Reset is part of The Undiet Your Life Coaching Program. When you join Undiet Your Life you get free and lifetime access to the Resolution Reset.Join here.

Option 1
Group Coaching for 1 year + Resolution Reset 

This option will be 50% off from December 29 2023 – January 7 2024.

Join Undiet Your Life group coaching program and get the Masterclass as a bonus. All Undiet Your Life students will automatically have access to Resolution Reset and receive support, accountability & coaching with your resolution for the whole year of 2024. Join Undiet Your Life coaching Program and get the Resolution Reset Masterclass included here.

Option 2
1-1 Coaching + Group coaching + Masterclass

Work with your own private coach 1-1 for the first 6 months of 2023 while getting full access to Undiet Your Life coaching program for 1 year including the Resolution Reset Masterclass. You get everything in option 1 & 2 plus 1-1 coaching for 6 months.  Get your private 1-1 coach plus Undiet Your Life coaching Program and the Resolution Reset Masterclass here.

Ready to set goal better and new habits sustainably?

Let’s shake things up

The Resolution Reset Masterclass is part of The Undiet Your Life Coaching Program. When you join Undiet Your Life for 2024 you get free and lifetime access to the Resolution Reset.

About your instructor 

Resolution reset Stephanie 3


About 10 years ago, Stephanie read a book from Dr. Lindo Bacon “Health at Every Size” and after a 25-year-long dieting career, she decided to stop dieting. That decision changed the course of her life.

Today as a Master Coach, Clinical Nutritionist, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, she is the creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️.  Stephanie is also the host of two top-ranking podcasts – The Going Beyond The Food Show with over 1 million downloads & Undiet Your Coaching.

Stephanie founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women create their better, fuller and bigger undieted life. She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform.


In their words

The part we are most proud of?  The empowering change our students experience.

This was a deep dive into my issues with body image and food, and I really learned more about body acceptance and body respect.

Lady Amparo Gundersen

Would 100% recommend this to anyone. Amazing information, videos a tools. Stephanie’s passion for the subject are great!

Shannon Burnham

Love the program. All women should join!

Leigh Hill

That it’s a very informative support system and it’ll help you feel more confident 

Kylie Seidel

I love how mindset is the first step in this program.  It really helps you build emotional awareness and intelligence and understand how the mind works. I highly recommend this program!

Sandi Ledet-Martin

It honestly makes you step back and reframe your negative thoughts. 

Joanna White


Find answers to some of our most commonly asked questions below…

What happens when I enroll?

Within 15 minutes, you’ll receive an email with a confirmation of registration and instructions to option package you have selected to purchase.

Check your promotional, spam or junk folder if not received within 20 minutes. If can’t find it email us at [email protected].

How does the registration work?

To join the Resolution Reset Masterclass you must join Undiet Your Coaching Program. Payment is via credit card Visa and Mastercard or PayPal.

You will retain lifetime access to the audios, classes recordings and workbook.

When you join Undiet Your Life Coaching Program option everything is online — we host women from all over the world. We host the student portal on our private website and the community via a private Facebook group (optional).

When you join via the 1-1 Private Coaching option, you will be guided on the next steps upon application reception and will receive contact via email from our coaching admin team. 

How and when is the Masterclass content delivered?

Everything is online — we host women from all over the world. You can attend live or via recordings.

When you join Undiet Your Life Coaching Program you will get your private student portal. Inside your student portal you will have access to the Resolution Reset pre-recorded material.


What makes our programs different from all of the other health and self-acceptance programs out there?

Stephanie has decades of experience in coaching and over 9 years specializing in the non-diet approach to health. What’s most impactful for her students is that she has been where they are. She connects via lived experience not simply intellectual knowledge. Her first diet was at 12 and last one at 39 so she knows how it feels and what is needed.

As a result, her unique approach combines mindset and life coaching with the non-diet approach to food and body image. Her teaching is the full package. She focuses on mindset & beliefs a lot because that is where patriarchy and diet culture keeps you stuck.

Until now, there has been no program that helps you in these 3 areas.

Do you offer refunds?

We don’t offer refunds.

Should I join if I want to lose weight?

Let’s be 100% clear; we are anti-diet professionals. Our programs, community and communication are 100% diet culture-free. We do not tolerate any discussions that refer to weight loss, dieting or any form of discrimination. We are here to help our students adopt and improve healthy practices, not lose weight – so if you are not ready to quit dieting or chasing weight loss, this program is not for you.

I have a question that is not listed here - what do I do?

Great! Send an email to [email protected] and my team will be in touch ASAP.

The program content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Always work with a qualified medical professional before making changes to your diet, prescription medication, supplement, lifestyle or exercise activities.