406-Take the Quiz – How Deep Does Diet Culture’s Grip Really Go?

by | Oct 1, 2024

Diet Culture Quiz Audio Guide

As a non-diet nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor, I’ve seen firsthand how diet culture affects women’s lives. Today, I’m excited to introduce a powerful new tool: the Diet Culture Quiz. This free assessment helps you understand just how much diet culture influences your thoughts, behaviors, and self-image.


Why I Created the Diet Culture Quiz

Over my eight years of coaching, I’ve encountered many women who believe they’re “fine” with food and their bodies. However, upon deeper examination, we often uncover hidden struggles with body image and eating patterns. This quiz aims to reveal these blind spots and show you the possibility of life beyond diet culture’s grip.


What Makes This Diet Culture Quiz Different?

Unlike most assessments created by nutritionists, our Diet Culture Quiz doesn’t focus solely on eating habits. Instead, it evaluates three crucial areas:

1. Body Image
2. Eating Patterns
3. Mindset

This comprehensive approach provides a fuller picture of diet culture’s impact on your life.


How to Take the Diet Culture Quiz

To get started:

1. Visit www.stephaniedodier.com/diet-culture-quiz
2. Download the free PDF
3. Answer 20 yes/no questions in each section
4. Calculate your score

Remember, if a statement has been true for you even once or twice in the past three months, answer “yes.”


Understanding Your Body Image Results

Your body image score falls into one of these categories:

– Violent Body Image (0-4 “no” answers)
– Negative Body Image (5-8 “no” answers)
– Conflicted Body Image (9-12 “no” answers)
– Neutral Body Image (13-15 “no” answers)
– Liberated Body Image (16-20 “no” answers)

A neutral or liberated body image is our goal. If you’re not there yet, don’t worry. It’s an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.


Interpreting Your Eating Habits Score

Your eating habits result will place you in one of these categories:

– Disordered Eating Behavior (0-4 “no” answers)
– Agitated Eating Behavior (5-8 “no” answers)
– Ambivalent Eater (9-12 “no” answers)
– Awakened Intuitive Eater (13-15 “no” answers)
– Intuitive Eater (16-20 “no” answers)

The goal is to become an intuitive eater, trusting your body’s hunger and fullness cues rather than external diet rules.


Decoding Your Mindset Results

Your mindset score reveals how diet culture influences your thought patterns:

– Uncontrolled Mindset (0-4 “no” answers)
– Disempowered Mindset (5-8 “no” answers)
– Diet Mindset (9-12 “no” answers)
– Empowered Mindset (13-15 “no” answers)
– Liberated Mindset (16-20 “no” answers)

An empowered or liberated mindset allows you to make decisions from a place of confidence rather than fear or anxiety.

What to Do with Your Results

If your results show room for improvement, don’t feel discouraged. These scores simply highlight areas where you can grow and improve your relationship with food and your body.

Here are some next steps:

1. Listen to body image-focused episodes of the It’s Beyond the Food podcast
2. Explore intuitive eating resources
3. Consider working with a non-diet professional

Remember, healing your relationship with food and your body is a process. Be patient and kind to yourself as you learn and grow.

By taking this quiz, you’ve already taken a significant step towards freedom from diet culture. Keep exploring, keep learning, and remember – you’re capable of creating a peaceful relationship with food and your body.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Diet Culture Quiz Audio Guide:

  • The Diet Culture Quiz evaluates your body image, eating habits, and mindset
  • Your results reveal how deeply diet culture affects different aspects of your life
  • Understanding your current state is the first step towards positive change


Mentioned in the show:

Diet Culture Quiz – Take the Quiz

Free Resources and Training

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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


Hello! I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I teach and coach women how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets. Join me in leading the feminist health revolution where we trust women and their body!

TAKE MY QUIZ and see just how much diet culture grip really goes for YOU!

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Diet Culture Quiz


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