Affiliate Program
Join us
The Non-Diet Coaching approach is revolutionizing how coaching is uniquely facilitated for women. We go beyond the food because food & body size were never the problem.
Do you have an audience of women health coaches, life coaches, nutritionist, dietician, therapist, counsellors, personal trainers, yoga teachers or body healers?
Join Stephanie in her mission to transform the health industry by educating professionals on the non-diet approach for women.
Join Stephanie in her mission to transform the coaching industry by educating professionals on the non-diet approach for women.
Non-Diet Coaching Certification

We live in a world dominated by diet culture, and its relentless pressure to be thin, young and beautiful keeps women spinning in a cycle of self-doubt, shame, and perfectionism.
The conventional approach to coaching women is rooted in diet culture and fatphobia. Leaving women to believe they need to work harder, restrict more, and look different in order to feel better and achieve their goals.
We are changing that!
The Non-Diet Coaching approach is revolutionizing how coaching is uniquely facilitated for women. We go beyond the food because food & body size were never the problem.
You can trust yourself with food & life decisions. It can be easy for you to care for your health & yourself. And yes, your body can be a safe space for you as it is now.
And it starts with you !
Affiliate Partnership Details

Our affiliate program is designed to provide an incentive to promote the Non-Diet Coaching Certification to your audience. The affiliate program will reward financially partners who actively promote and convert new students into the Non-Diet Coaching Certification program.
Affiliate Payout: Varies $330-$655 per eligible conversion and paid Non-Diet Coaching Certification based on sliding scale selection by students.
Affiliate Support: We provide our partners with various tools to promote the Non-Diet Coaching Certification program, including: Free intakes forms & webinars.
We track affiliate referral leads via cookies for 12 months from lead conversion to registration.
Our Mission
To dismantle diet culture. For ourselves. For our clients. For the next generation of women.
In the Non-Diet Coaching Certification, we change lives. We help you transform your life as a coach, and in turn, you help change your future clients’ lives. We do it with ease, less time, and more significant impact.
We are thought, leaders. We are game-changers. We disturb the culture.
We serve. We prosper.
We teach and educate so that transformation is permanent. No quick fix anywhere because that’s diet culture.