Fully booked coaches have fun in their business and make sales effortlessly. They know the 4 things you need to get more paying clients as a non-diet coach.
If you are following marketing approaches simply because some guru told you to, you might be out of alignment. Especially if you feel yucky executing those marketing approaches. In fact, this is likely part of the reason it’s not working or helping you get more paying clients.
Our desire to adhere to a selling protocol is created by the same problematic thinking that our clients engage in. This means following someone else’s sales protocol as a non-diet coach is like your client following an influencer’s meal plan. They’re both attractive, but beneath the surface, they leave us feeling yucky and believing even less in ourselves than before.
4 things you need to get more paying clients as a non-diet coach
#1 – Believe in the non-diet approach
You need to embody the non-diet approach to your bones. In other words, you need to be the product of your product. This looks like living in alignment with the non-diet approach in your life, business, marketing, and selling.
#2 – Believe in your client
You need to believe that the people following you on social media, your potential clients, can do this. It is essential that you believe in their possibility to undiet their life, eat intuitively, or become body neutral.
#3 – Believe in yourself as a coach
What makes a great coach is the personal work they have put into themselves, not a fancy certification. You will struggle to believe in yourself as a non-diet coach if you don’t have lived experience with the non-diet approach yourself. Paying clients won’t be attracted to you if you don’t believe in your abilities as a non-diet coach first.
#4 – Believe in your program and your offer
Going hand in hand with believing in yourself as a coach, is believing in what you have to offer. If you don’t believe that your program can get your client from point A to B, it’s going to feel misaligned. Therefore, every time you talk about your program, your audience will feel that misalignment and won’t turn into paying clients.
What you’ll learn listening to this episode on 4 things you need to get more paying clients as a non-diet coach:
- How my business is thriving while living my dream as a digital nomad
- Why you aren’t getting paying clients
- The reason you feel “yucky” selling your program
- 4 beliefs you need to align with in order to make sales
- What you need to do to make sales feel effortless and fun