403-Lessons From a Doctor Visit & Becoming Your Body’s Ally and Advocating for Yourself

by | Sep 10, 2024

Becoming your body's ally

Lessons From a Doctor Visit: Becoming Your Body’s Ally and Advocating for Yourself

As a non-diet nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor, I’ve helped many women navigate health care. Today, I’m sharing a recent experience that highlights the importance of self-advocacy.

My Recent Doctor Visit: A Tale of Two Approaches

Last month, I had a follow-up appointment after an emergency room visit for phlebitis. The contrast between the two medical experiences was striking.

The Emergency Room: Weight-Neutral Care

In the ER, not once was my weight mentioned. As a fat woman, this was refreshing. The focus remained on treating my condition, not judging my body.

The Follow-Up: Confronting Weight Bias

The follow-up appointment started promisingly. A young resident physician asked about my medical history without mentioning weight. He even acknowledged the flaws of BMI when required to ask about it.

However, things changed when his supervisor entered. She immediately focused on my weight, claiming it was the root of my health issues.

Standing Up for Yourself: The Power of Self-Advocacy

Challenging Outdated Beliefs

When the supervisor insisted I needed to lose weight, I didn’t stay silent. I asked how she proposed I do that without dieting, given my 25-year history of attempts.

Setting Boundaries for Weight-Neutral Care

As the conversation progressed, I realized education wasn’t possible in that moment. Instead, I set a clear boundary:

“I’m asking you to stop this conversation. From now on, I request weight-neutral health care. Please provide treatment as if I were in a thin body.”

The Impact of Weight Stigma: A Chronic, Low-Grade Trauma

Understanding the Depth of the Trauma

Weight stigma isn’t just about uncomfortable doctor visits. It’s the constant negative thoughts about your body, day in and day out.

Healing Takes Time

Overcoming this trauma involves retraining your brain and nervous system. It’s about creating safety in your own body, which doesn’t happen overnight.

Advocacy as Activism: Changing the System One Conversation at a Time

The Power of Individual Actions

While it shouldn’t be our job to educate healthcare providers, our individual advocacy can lead to systemic change.

Opening Minds: A Surprising Turn

After our appointment, the supervisor asked how she could approach weight discussions differently. This opened a door for education about weight stigma and current research.

Becoming Your Body’s Ally: A Path to Acceptance

From Fighting to Accepting

For years, I fought my body. This led to health issues, depression, and anxiety. Accepting my body changed everything.

Extending Acceptance to All Areas of Life

This philosophy of accepting “what is” now guides my approach to life’s challenges. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth and advocacy.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • Learn how to set boundaries and request weight-neutral healthcare
  • Understand the long-term impact of weight stigma and the healing process
  • Discover how individual advocacy can contribute to systemic change

By becoming your body’s ally and advocating for yourself, you can transform your healthcare experiences. Remember, you deserve respectful, weight-neutral care focused on your overall well-being.

Mentioned in the show:

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Podcast Stephanie Dodier


Hello! I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Coach. I teach and coach women how to break free from the socialized thinking of diet culture and liberate yourself from unrelenting pressure to be thinner so that you can eat in a way that truly supports your well-being and start living the life you’ll look back on with no regrets. Join me in leading the feminist health revolution where we trust women and their body!

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