68-‘Even When’ Mindset VS ‘As Long As’ Mindset

by | Jan 18, 2023 | 0 comments

Business Mindset Coaching-Even When Mindset VS As Long As Mindset

The mindset shift I am going to teach you in this episode follows the mindset shift that I taught in episode 67 of someone who creates and makes money. 

Today’s mindset shift parallels how we help our clients in the non-diet world to care for their health no matter how much they weigh. We help our clients move away from conditional commitment, which is exactly what you are going to do so you can become an entrepreneur who reaches your goal. 

‘Even When’ Mindset VS ‘As Long As’ Mindset

The ‘as long as’ mindset looks like “I am willing to keep posting on social media as long as people keep booking consultations” vs the ‘even when’ mindset, which looks like “I am willing to keep posting on social media even when no one books because I am committed to finding the people who want to work with me.”

Take a moment to ask yourself if you have a conditional or unconditional commitment to your goal. Don’t rush the answer. Ask yourself this question over a period of a few days and see what subconscious answers come up for you. 

Conditional or Unconditional Confidence?

When we don’t see the results we want in our businesses, we often blame the actions we take or don’t take. When in reality, it is due to our mindset. One of the most effective mindset shifts you can make is from the ‘as long as’ to the ‘even when.’ 

Your confidence isn’t conditional on the results of your business. The goal is to build unshakeable confidence on the belief level that creates results in your business.  

If you operate from conditional confidence, you will lose confidence in your skillset, which will impact your coaching sessions. 

Not only does the ‘even when’ mindset lead to building a successful business that makes money, but learning and embodying this concept for yourself will automatically enhance how you coach your clients. You will easily support them in building their own unconditional commitment to their goals. 

Worst-Case Scenario

Another question to ask yourself is, what is the worst-case scenario? In order to find unconditional commitment, you need to explore the worst-case scenario. 

For example, in order for you to make the money you want to make, you have to be willing to make no money. This is why I often guide my students to not quit their job when they are just starting to build their businesses. That is what it looks like to work with your nervous system. 

Explore the worst-case scenario and make peace with it by working with the thoughts you have toward it. 

Your journey towards your goal will be so much smoother when you build unconditional commitment and adapt to the ‘even when’ mindset. 

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on ‘Even When’ Mindset VS ‘As Long As’ Mindset

  • The difference between the ‘as long as’ mindset vs the ‘even when’ mindset
  • How the ‘even when’ mindset parallels the work we do with our clients in the non-diet world
  • How to build unconditional commitment to your goals 
  • Why exploring the worst-case scenario is needed 

Mentioned in the show:

Mentorship Program 

Free Resources 

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I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach. I mentor professionals into the non-diet approach to health. My Certification will teach you how to coach “beyond the food” using cognitive behavioural coaching. The health coaching industry is in desperate need of a revolution and we’re here for it!

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