37-Content That Sells Versus Self-Validating Content

by | Apr 12, 2022 | 0 comments

 Content that sells versus self-validating content for non-diet coaching

Non-diet coaches – this is how to make content that sells versus self-validating content.

The key to content that sells for non-diet coaches is to use content to create a bridge between where the client is to where they want to be.

These days I get excited every time I encounter a concept that goes against all that I have been taught. However, it hasn’t always been that way. I used to take any differentiating point of view as a personal attack.

And this fuelled my urge to show the world how “right” I was, because I was lacking confidence in myself. The result? A LOT of self-validating content.

I know from experience teaching this concept to my coaches who have been creating content since before joining the Non-Diet Mentorship. If you don’t feel like you are enough as a coach, you will default to creating content to feel enough. Unfortunately, your ideal clients will pick up on that and it won’t make them want to buy from you.

Now, your brain might be saying something like this right now: “But how can this be true if most sales experts aren’t teaching it?” Listen up…

Building the bridge: Content that sells versus self-validating content for non-diet coaching

Moving from no clients (or not having enough clients) requires a bridge. The bridge is creating content that creates clients.

The content bridge is how you move from the island of no clients (or not enough) to the island of having enough clients.

And you are not going to do this by creating content focused on making you feel better – aka, content that self-validates your enoughness

You are going to do this by selling them on their dreams and desires, not by selling them on you. Therefore, your content needs to help them be ready to commit to their transformation. If you can get them there, they will see the value in working with you as a coach.

Hopefully, your brain is saying something more like this now: “Where has this teaching been all my business-life?!”

Now you know it’s not about convincing your audience to work with you. Instead, it’s about empowering them to make their own decision to sign-up for your offer.

How are you going to do that? I invite you to stay open to this new perspective about content, even if your brain is resisting it right now. Then, I’m taking you even deeper on this topic in Season 5, Episode 4 of the Undiet Your Coaching Practice podcast (linked below).

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on content that sells versus self-validating content for non-diet coaching:

  • Why your content isn’t converting to paying clients
  • How to know if you are creating self-validating content
  • Key questions to ask yourself when you sit down to create content
  • How to create content that bridges the gap in your ideal client’s buying process

Mentioned in the show:

4 simple steps to get more paying client event

Mentorship Program

Free Resources 


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I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach. I mentor professionals into the non-diet approach to health. My Certification will teach you how to coach “beyond the food” using cognitive behavioural coaching. The health coaching industry is in desperate need of a revolution and we’re here for it!

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