50-Trusting Yourself in Your Non-Diet Business – Business Culture VS Diet Culture Part 2

by | Aug 3, 2022 | 0 comments

Trusting yourself in your non-diet business - Business Culture VS Diet Culture Part 2

Trusting yourself in your non-diet business is critical if you want to change the way you do business.

If the answers aren’t outside of you, they are within you – just like intuitive eating taught you. This is exactly why I created the 10 principles of non-oppressive business. These principles will shift the power from other people back to yourself.


#1 Reject Oppressive Business Culture

Just like you teach your clients to reject diet culture, you need to reject oppressive business culture.

#2 Honour Your Knowing

Honouring your knowing is much like honouring your hunger in that you ultimately know what to do in your business. If you can trust your innate wisdom and intuition around food, you can do it in your business too.

#3 Challenge the “Normal” Business Rules

Your work is to become comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Challenging the “normal” rules of oppressive business culture is how you’re going to create results in your business.

#4 Respect Your Clients’ Agency

Trust that your clients can make the decision of what’s right or wrong for them. You need to believe that your clients can trust their innate wisdom too.

#5 How I Am Being First, How I Am Doing Second

The way you think, believe and talk about yourself as a business owner directly influences the energy behind your actions. Pause, question, and choose how you are being before adjusting what you’re doing.

#6 Selling is an Exchange of Value

First and foremost, you need to make money. Not only that, you also need to WANT to make money. Ethical business is an exchange of value; you cannot give stuff away and not expect value (i.e. money) back.

#7 Honour Your Desires

You have to tap into what you desire in your business. Most importantly, ensure that you are being guided by your true desires (rooted in non-oppressive business) versus your false desires (rooted in oppressive business culture).

#8 Respect Yourself

Every decision must move you towards your goals, and being respectful of you. This includes taking care of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of your being.

#9 Radical Self-Responsibility

Radical self-responsibility is NOT blaming, shaming, or criticizing yourself. It comes from a place where you can evaluate with self-respect and have your own back.

#10 Believe in Your Possibility

You have to wake up every day and believe that it is possible for YOU to have the business that you desire. You cannot force, hustle, or hate yourself to your desired business, just like you cannot force, hustle, or hate your clients into a healthy relationship with food and body. 

You need to have an unwavering belief in your possibility – everything starts from here. 

Ultimately, trusting your knowing is what will guarantee success in your non-diet business.


  • How to trust yourself with your business
  • The 10 principles of a non-oppressive business
  • What you need to do if you really want to take down diet culture
  • Why you need to WANT to make money in your business

Mentioned in the show:

Non-Oppressive Business Culture


Mentorship Program

Free Resources 

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I’m Stephanie Dodier Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach. I mentor professionals into the non-diet approach to health. My Certification will teach you how to coach “beyond the food” using cognitive behavioural coaching. The health coaching industry is in desperate need of a revolution and we’re here for it!

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